If You Have Preeclamsia With First Pregnancy Can You Have It Again on Second

I was overjoyed to acquire that I was meaning for the second time.  My first pregnancy concluded with a premature baby in the NICU while I recovered from severe preeclampsia, so I spent this pregnancy praying for a different consequence.  {Side Note ::  My daughter is a perfectly healthy v year former at present.}  I knew it was possible I would experience astringent preeclampsia once more.  In fact, my high risk md estimated a l% chance of loftier blood pressure and a 10% chance of astringent preeclampsia for my 2d pregnancy.  The goal was to avoid any severe symptoms until I was 37 weeks pregnant, when we could evangelize the baby with little risk.

My first trimester ended with very picayune symptoms.  When I hit 14 weeks, my fingers began to swell – and I began to worry.  I called my OB, who calmed my fears.  My blood pressure level was splendid. In fact, information technology was even improve than it is when I'm not pregnant.  The atmospheric condition had begun to warm up and my cankles could be attributed to normal pregnancy swelling.  Information technology also helped to hear that my best friend, who was also pregnant, was experiencing the aforementioned symptoms.

It wasn't until sixteen weeks later that I experienced my first real effect.  I'd started wearing a wrist brace to help command the pain from pregnancy-induced carpal tunnel, but otherwise felt fine.  I went to the dr. for a routine appointment and immediately knew there was a problem when the nurse took my weight.I had a personal policy of not looking at the scale, because who needed added stress? I'd instead instructed my physician to allow me know if there was an issue. But when I heard how far the nurse had to push the scale weights this time, I began to worry.  She didn't say anything – just escorted me to my room to take my blood pressure level, which was, in fact, elevated.

Every bit a precaution, my OB decided to send me to the hospital for a 24 hour observation.  I agreed calmly, and so walked to my car and melted downward. With my first pregnancy, I'd been sent to the hospital for the same observation – and left a week subsequently with my daughter in the NICU.I wasn't ready for this to happen once more.

My mom drove me to the hospital, where I received a round of magnesium sulfate and surfactant shots.  My high risk doctor met me at the hospital for another ultrasound to confirm the babe was doing okay.  I'd similar to say that I handled this hospital stay gracefully, but the combination of pregnancy hormones, worrying about my baby, and leaving my 4 year old daughter at home left me a hot mess.  Thankfully, my doctor was able to get my claret pressure under control, and I was sent domicile on bed rest with claret pressure medications.  I all the same had my blood pressure cuff from my beginning pregnancy, and so I used it a couple times a solar day to confirm my levels were okay.

I stayed at dwelling house on bed rest for two weeks with few problems.  I went to the OB for my 32 week visit and was sent to the Maternal Assessment department of the hospital, because my blood pressure was elevated once more.  Luckily, it came back down, and I was released subsequently 2 hours.  I went home and back to my normal bed residual routine.

The next day, I was doing some light work on my laptop when I realized I didn't experience well.  I put my laptop away and laid down on the couch for a few minutes before taking my blood pressure.  When I did, information technology was 176/83.  I'd been given strict instructions to contact my doctor if it went over 150/60, and then I made the call.  Information technology was just after 5 p.thou., and so I reached the on-telephone call doctor who instructed me to report dorsum to Maternal Assessment.  However, when I arrived at the hospital, I was sent directly to Labor & Commitment.

I checked in, I was started on 4 claret pressure medications and informed that I would probably evangelize the baby that night.  I knew that I wasn't leaving the hospital again while meaning, merely I also calmly told the nurse that I wasn't having the infant still.  I joked that I was also tired and she could talk to me nearly it in the morning.  After a long nighttime in Labor & Delivery, I was moved to Antepartum.

The next ix days were spent in a bicycle of raised blood pressure readings, followed past increased medications, fetal monitoring, and ultrasounds.  Finally, my medications were maxed out … and my blood pressure rose again.  I received a telephone phone call from my doc, informing me we would deliver the next day.

My sweet boy was born at 33 weeks gestation, weighing four lb, eight oz.  His soft cry was a relief, because information technology meant he was breathing on his own.  He was whisked abroad to the NICU, where he spent the next 26 days battling eating problems, bradycardia, and reflux.  I was released from the hospital five days postpartum and was prescribed blood force per unit area medication for well-nigh a month afterward.

Despite a second difficult pregnancy and NICU stay, my son and I are both salubrious and happy now. Which was e'er my ultimate goal.


Source: https://houston.momcollective.com/preeclampsia-second-pregnancy/

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